Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Marjorie Bard on Cease and Desist Letter from Matt Berdyck's Lawyer

This Cease and Desist Letter was Sent to Marjorie Bard From the Only Lawyer Who Would Represent Matthew Berdyck. Jacquelynn Remery, of her Father's Law Firm in Glendale, CA, Demands I am Never Allowed to Respond to Matt's Life Threats, Libel, Defamation of Character, Destruction of My Nonprofit Organization, and Vulgar Personal Emails. 

Ms. Marjorie Bard                                 

RE: Matthew Berdyck aka Matthew Kane
Dear Ms. Bard,
Please be advised that this office represents Matthew Berdyck, also known as Matthew Kane. Kindly direct any and all future communications concerning this matter to my attention. Further, if you are represented by counsel then please direct this correspondence to that counsel for review and consideration.

It has come to Mr. Berdyck’s attention that you have posted extremely negative and false information about him on your blog website 
http://marjoriebardhomelessness.blogspot.com and on your Google+ profile, maliciously spreading negative untrue and private information about him. Such actions defame his character and constitute intentional interference with his prospective business opportunities. All statements that charge him with crime, or with having been indicted, convicted, or punished for crime which he has not been charged or convicted for and those statements which directly injure him in respect to his profession, trade or business are per se libel being defamatory on its face pursuant to Cal. Civil Code § 45(a).

Please be further advised that your refusal to remove the postings within that time deemed will be additional evidence of malice warranting of punitive damages in any defamation action. Demand is hereby made that you, your agents and assigns, remove the Google+ and blog posts referencing or adverting to Mr. Berdyck within seven days of this letter, cease all further communication with him and cease posting defamatory statements regarding him. If you have any questions regarding the foregoing please feel free to contact me directly at 818-558-5909.

Jacquelynn N. Remery, Esq.
Law Offices of William R. Remery
1955 West 
Glenoaks Blvd.
Glendale, CA 91201
Office: 818.558.5909
Fax: 818.558.6756

It is obviously of no importance to Jacquelynn Remery-Pearson that Matthew began to libel and defame MY character a month or so earlier -- not only on LinkedIn's email system, but in Google blogspots and private emails.  She knew Matt personally, having used Craigslist to offer him a place to live (screencapped and in hard copy at a lawyer's office and in a CA State Office. 

Remery-Pearson knew Matt's criminal, civil, and family court history (OH and WV) just by reading the results of Google and other search engine material. She knew his reputation for defaming others -- and the many responses to his baiting, harassing, accusing, bullying, warnings, and life threats -- including those defaming me and the vicious lies about my nonprofit org. LinkedIn's first allowed Topic of CYBER BULLIES already had over 150 comments about Matt's life threats -- and Remery could not have missed it.  

Why does Remery act as though she never heard of Matt's background -- and (then) current status of "indigent and homeless with NO business at all"? Facts of his violent history and vulgar threats were all over the web-- long before he latched onto me! She knew Matt was a danger to women, especially, because of his WV records regarding physical threats and actions regarding a woman he hated....Matt was not an innocent man being defamed by anyone. HE was and is the Bully/Stalker. There have never been any favorable blogs about Matt (other than the ones he writes himself).  

When Matt maliciously (with obscene language) attacked me on the internet and in private emails to my home, I had been waiting patiently for him to "go away," as I was I was told stalkers do. I waited almost a month to respond on Google to his character defamation and libel re my nonprofit org. Matt labelled me a "fraudulent imposter who stole the identity of the real CEO and is impersonating her and the nonprofit org, soliciting money for herself," He destroyed a needed non-profit org for the homeless just because of jealousy and spite. He had failed as a homeless advocate (with his YouTube) and was retaliating against me because I had (at the time) 37 years of success in assisting the stable undetectable homeless. He didn't just defame me, he demolished the nonprofit org I founded in 1991. The public and my colleagues believed I am a felon to be reviled. I had no choice but to learn how to create a Google blog, for I never wanted or needed one before. 

The only reason Jacquelynn Remery-Pearson gives for keeping it secret that she knew Matthew's history is "confidentiality." She figured she could get away with pretending it wasn't pertinent to the case against him by citing the usually acceptable premise that past acts aren't related to present ones and can be "confidential." However, the law does not refer to expected future (as in the next day) acts of violence, meant to put a victim's life in danger -- and that is what she did. She knew he would escalate his libel and from his history, progress to physical appearance and potential violent harm/death.

Jacquelynn Remery-Pearson gave Matt permission to stalk me. She knew he would pursue me just as he had done to another woman he hated: a furious attempt to break into her house and injure her. He picked up her phone and lied to the 911 Operator, saying there was no Emergency Domestic Violence Protection Order against him. The police did arrive and Matt was held on $50,000 bond, convicted, and jailed. There is nothing untrue or private in what I wrote about Matt as a response to his filthy hate mail, malicious lies, and defamation of my character; it was common knowledge then and it continues as he ages. Jacquelynn Remery-Pearson lied to protect Matt.

Further, why should I not respond to libel and defamation regarding my character and a respected nonprofit org? That is my 1st Amendment right! If Matt has the right to threaten me with false accusations, I have the right to respond with the truth. And she demands I remove my blog and allow him to continue to libel, bully, and stalk me with his blogs -- plus a potential violent physical attack? Why didn't she just tell him to stop bullying/stalking people? There is a case against her for unethical behavior, and if the CA Bar Assoc. followed the ABA rules, she would have been sanctioned or lost her license.
I have a letter from a CA Bar Association member telling me to take the case against Remery-Pearson to the CA Supreme Court. (Unfortunately, he did not send a check for what would be a very expensive case by an attorney with experience in Supreme Court presentations.) 

It's time stalkers take responsibility for their actions and their lawyers take responsibility for maintaining safety for stalkers' victims. As far as the C&D letter, it is filled with lies about my interfering with his businesses. He had none. He made a YouTube and was begging internet group members to buy them for $3.99, That is verified by many discussions on film-related sites and Reddit as he repeated his woes about being homeless and in dire need of help. He became well known for using aliases, pretending to be a supporter of Matt's arguments against others. Finally, moderators had to ban Matt from using Reddit. All of this was long before I knew he existed! 
If anything, Remery was bullying me for sending a C&D letter demanding I halt responding to Matt's obscene warnings and life threats -- or be hauled into court for punitive damages for the loss of his non-existent businesses. He couldn't even find a distributor and I offered to help him find one (in the LinkedIn discussion group) since I had lived in Beverly Hills for 50 years. Moral: never offer help to anyone!


  1. https://www.thelemonreport.com/scum/matthew-berdyck-dangerous-predator-on-the-run/

  2. Matthew Berdyck: Dangerous Predator On The Run: A psychopath and potental "mass shooter" on the run from multiple agencies

  3. WARNING: Matthew Berdyck is an extremely dangerous Internet predator with a lengthy criminal record including violent crimes. He currently has active arrest warrants in the state of Ohio. Matthew is extraordinarily mentally ill. He allegedly suffers from severe narcissistic personality disorder and uses the Internet to wreak havoc in order to replenish his narcissistic supply. He is homeless and collects disability income. His full-time job appears to be unleashing as much devastation and pain to as many people as possible using the Internet.

    He has committed many cybercrimes spanning the last decade which include: stalking, harassment, extortion, criminal intimidation, false copyright complaints, death threats, threats of violence, threats to commit acts of terrorism, and has even referred to himself as a "potential mass shooter" who may "snap". There have been hundreds and hundreds of documented victims of Matthew's cyberstalking and harassment dating back to 2012. Because Matthew is a homeless drifter, it is nearly impossible for law enforcement to track him down and hold him accountable for his crimes.

    If you encounter Matthew Berdyck DO NOT ENGAGE HIM UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE. He is an extremely dangerous mentally ill Internet predator that will stop at nothing to inflict as much pain and suffering to your real-world life as possible. This message serves as a public notice to help prevent further people from being victimized by this evil man.
